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Children of Autumn

Nine weeks have tumbled away very much like the lush emerald leaves of summer that hint of the passage of long lazy days with a sprinkling of yellow and a blush of red. An eager leaf may go completely ginger early on, joyfully proclaiming the autumn's return, but most leaves gradually usher in the season unaware of the breathtaking transformation they cause as they repose. The growth of a child is as sure and breathtaking as the change of seasons. Precious shy babies come into second grade in August as fragile as summer leaves with freckled faces still pink from hurried vacations and knees still covered in the scars of bike rides and freeze tag. It is a season reflected in thier faces and ability in the classroom. Those scars heal and sunburns fade. Fall peeks through with snaggle toothed grins and being able to tie a shoe. When the world outside our classroom window is clothed in harvest splendor, the children inside are glorious to behold as well. They can read a test without help, measure, use the taskboard, create a power point presentation without help, find the main idea, write a complete answer (well, mostly) and finally, yes... finally follow rules and procedures in the classroom. The helplessness of first grade has softly faded away, replaced by bold strokes of self assurance. They are writers. They are readers. They are investigtors and problem solvers. They are rowdy, funny and full of ability. They are loved by me.

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